Sunday, March 13, 2011


Posted by amyliciouss at 11:50 PM 0 comments
lately not really well....batuk...sakit mata..but it ok coz god still give me chance to live int this beautiful world..thank you Allah...n lately niw mesti koran gperasan cuaca tidak menentu mcm emosi seorang manusia yg sedang emo..coz 10 minit panas then hujan for 5 minit then kite dpt tgk kebesaran kuasa tuhan yg maha agung...tuhan menguji kite pelbagai cara...skunk jepun dilanda tsunami yg maha dasyat...kapal ada kt atas darat then beribu-ribu buah kereta dibawa arus air...dlm mase beberapa jam,kite dapat melihat kemusnahan yg kite patut bersyukur kerana negara kite selamat dari bala dan malapetaka yg teruk...hari nie indonesia pulak dilanda doakn semua mangsa tabah menghadapi dugaan ini...

kekuatan arus air hanyutkn kereta...
time tsunami mula2 datang 

Tsunami swirls near a port in Oarai, Ibaraki Prefecture (state) after Japan was struck by a strong earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, March 11, 2011.

Monday, March 7, 2011

saye seorang yg tak bergaye+selekeh=it me!!

Posted by amyliciouss at 12:45 AM 4 comments
sebenarnye...saye juz nk semua orang tau yg saye nie seorang yang selekeh x bergaye langsung...even my mom said mum selalu je bising bila kiteorg nk kuar sy juz pakai tshirt n jeans je..then she will say"amy da takde baju laen ke?y x make up?"uhuhuh..saye dah lali dengan ayat mak saye tue...sebenarnye bkn sy x try tp rase mcm tak sesuai je bila sy melaram habis...if im not mistaken..time plg bergaye sy time pergi dinner university..tu melaram abes,tu pown kawan yg makeupkn...ehehehehe...i try to change myself but i need a guideline from a fashionista who r gojes bila mereka pakai pae saje...huhuhuh...kadang2 teringin jugak nk bergaye nie coz tgk kwn2 mcm hot je yg suam-suam kuku...huhuhuuh...tpkn sy tetap bersyukur walaupun sy kurang cantik and tak pandai tuhan cipta sy sempurna tanpa cacat..semua anggota bdn cukup walaupun tak berape menarik..hahaha...untuk sedapkn ati sy selalu berkate kt diri sy..semua tue pinjaman je...yg penting kite ap wit our life!! :)

               bukti sy seorang yg selekeh...dan anda mampu mengubahnye!!
tgk takde style langsung..naseb pakai spek...huhuhu

keras je kn?

nie x leh bla..cntrol ayu..

si gemok bergambar...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

wat is love?

Posted by amyliciouss at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Love is not only a feeling but love is sumthing that we can describe it in words because it too abstract. Love are divided into certain categories which is love to god,family,friends and lover. Usually people will fall in luv at d first sight when a guy saw a pretty gurl,and a gurl saw a handsome guy..but look or the way he or she dress up is not eternity...for me the most important thing to fall in luv wit sumone is her or his behavior..coz if he or she is nice and good, Insyaallah it will lead to good relationship but if he or she is rude or will lead to disaster relationship...for my own opinion,if we luv sumone,we will talk nicely to her or him and not cursing or kol her or him wit bad words such as bitch,slut n etc...the most important thing in love is is really important coz if we not trust our  partner it will lead the relationship into conflict. actually true luv is really hard to find coz it need a lot of sacrifies i think....i wish i could get one for my own sake...huhuhu...

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Posted by amyliciouss at 3:07 AM 0 comments
hurm..i feel really upset when sumone kol me wit the name that i totally hate too rude r dude?how come u kol me like that?u think who u r mista?i think it is a normal thing that a person do which is typing error!!!everyone do it r one`s perfect!!

warna warni kehidupan...

Posted by amyliciouss at 1:19 AM 2 comments
life is actually all about us as a human who have power to do everything!!wah..mukadimah saye kali nie agak emo disitu...hurm kehidupan adalah sesuatu yang indah tapi ia bergantung kepada diri kite,bagaimana kite melaluinye samada jalan yg diredhai n jalan yg gelap..jeng..jeng..jeng...coz skunk nie kite selalu je tgk..ramai org happy n boleh menari apabila melihat org lain menderita...dimanakah sifat keperimanusian sebagai seorang manusia?pening kepala pikir pasal oram mcm tue..ade plak orang yg hanye akan igt orang bila mereka ditimpa musibah atau time senang or happy semua dilupakan mcm orang itu tudak pernah wujud dalam hidup mereka...mcm2 ragam manusia saye tetap ikt ckp mak saye...buat baik kt semua orang walaupun orang balas ngan kejahatan or orang tak hargai apa yg kite buat sebab suatu hari nanti dia or orang itu akan sedar kesilapnnye...apa tah sy melalut nie..ok back to my story..kehidupan saye sekarang kira suam-suam kuku r...coz stress gak tak keja ag...hehhehe...duk umah je...asyik on9,mkn n tdo...nothing much i can do now...naseb r ade mickey n minnie yg gemuk,at least ade gak extra work to do...owh,forget to tell that, in my own observation,sy selalu tgk oram seday,orang buat2 happy tp kt dalam dia suffer...orang yg buat baek coz ade hidden agenda or in malay..ade ayam disebalik mee goreng mamak...mcm2 r...sumtimes tu saye sendiri pown x tau ade jugak makhluk yg pelik2 coz at d beginning..tuhan cipta kita same je...then kite r plak manage diri kite nk jadi macam mane......(to be continue.....)

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